Lincoln Heights Lincoln
1377 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, ON, K2B 6R7





To our valued customers

We would like to update you regarding the current COVID-19 situation.

The health and safety of our staff and customers is paramount.

At Lincoln Heights Lincoln we are practicing all of the mitigation strategies recommended by Health Canada to keep everyone safe.

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As per new protocols, appointments are no longer required but are recommended. Please feel free to call us at 613-829-2120 to schedule your appointment to ensure all our customers and staff are safe and sanitized. Lincoln Heights continues and strives to ensure all our customers and staff are in a safe and social distanced environment. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.


We have taken the following ENHANCED steps:

  • Seating in all common areas have been reduced and spaced
  • We encourage following the recommended two-metre social distancing
  • All building door handles, point-of-sale machines, coffee machines, light switches, and other commonly touched surfaces are disinfected on a regular basis
  • Shuttle service has been temporarily suspended
  • Client vehicles will be protected and/or disinfected before being serviced and delivered back to you
  • Warranty and maintenance services continues with a Lincoln Pickup and Delivery service at your request
  • We have online payment options to allow for virtual transactions

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If you're experiencing any of the COVID-19 symptoms or have recently returned from a trip outside of the country, we ask you to do not visit us at the dealership in person and rather reach out to us via phone or email.


We are open for both!

Visit our Dealership in person by appointment OR Free Home Pick and Delivery

Choose what makes you feel comfortable!

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Contactless Car Care Methods


1. Book your appointment online or via phone.

2. If you have choose « Home Pick-up and Delivery Service », we will pick-up your vehicle in a safe contactless way.

3. Your vehicle and keys will be disinfected before and after work is completed.

4. Employees are equipped with the necessary tools and protective equipment.

5. Work will be reviewed and payments will be accepted over the phone.

6. Pick up your vehicle in a safe contactless way or we'll drop it off at home with protective measures

Book an appointment >

Contact us now!


Our New and Pre-Owned Department are open in-store OR online .

Digital measures

We still welcome your business and our dealership teams will remain ready to assist you in every way we can during this period.

We can set up :

  • Virtual test drives,
  • Walkarounds,
  • Finance,
  • and other meetings email, text, or other digital measures. Please arrange by calling or emailing the dealership.

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A few more questions
  1. What is your preferred method of contact?
  2. Lincoln Heights Lincoln
    IMPORTANT: You can easily remove your consent at any time!